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Geomicrobiology Group

Lab Facilities

The available instrumentation for our research include:
Witec confocal raman imaging system (photo to the right), HItachi S-4800 SEM-EDS-TEM, Bruker D8 XRD, PCR machine, biohood, Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100, vortexers, centrifuges, orbital shaker, fridges, freezers -20C and -80C, oven, furnace to 1000C, spectrophotometer, balances, microscopes and rock saw.
We have access to more instrumentation as needed within our Department, on the Campus and also at other Rutgers locations.

Witec confocal raman imaging system with 532nm laser

HItachi S-4800 SEM-EDS-TEM, available in Chemistry Department - SEM Calendar

Cressington 208HR Sputter Coater
with Ir target

ESCO Class II Type A2 Bio-safety cabinet

Molecular biology instruments: Bioanalyzer 2100, thermal cycler, centrifuges etc.

Furnace up to 1000 C

VWR Orbital shaker

Medium size rock saw
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